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4 Scary Possible Future Human Evolution Trends

We don't really consider ourselves as evolving. We feel we've come to the height of human evolution but the trends discussed in this post will show us that we're totally wrong.
Below are 5 ways humans may evolve in future:

Multiple Penises:
multiple penis

There is a terrifying science factory that does nothing but produce penises at the Wake Forest University Institute of Regenerative Medicine. They're fully authentic in both form and function, and they are not just in theory, or a one time experiment never to be repeated. No, there are actual, multiple test cases--rabbits, to be specific--equipped with fully functioning, entirely lab-grown penises. And the bunnies in question are not only already boning with their new proto-dongs, but four of them have even successfully fathered offspring with a lab-grown penis.
The process used to create the penises can also be applied to other organs with roughly similar levels of success and, really, what does that say about our priorities as a society?
Easy. Science decided to ignore producing lab-grown hearts, or lungs, or kidneys and instead focused on penises.
You may be asking yourself how this changes the body, since it is already existing.
And we present to you (**drumroll**) the internet!
Sexual perversion has dramatically increased since the inception of the World Wide Web. Since we now have the ability to grow penises, and the term body modification brings up 4 million hits on Google. Approximately 3 seconds after this tech hits the market, we'll have to invent new memes for a man with 3 cocks.
Thank you, Science.

Bionic Butt:
bionic ass

Ged Galvin, a 55-year-old English man from South Yorkshire was involved in a terrible motorcycle accident. He was infromed by doctors that he would use a colostomy bag for the rest of his life due to the severity of the injuries he received. Then other mad doctors stepped in and recommended installing a bionic ass on him.
Ged, weighing the pros and cons agreed to try an experimental new surgery. The procedure used muscles from his knee to recreate a crude sort of sphincter, with implanted electrodes all throughout that respond to a remote control. Now, Galvin doesnt have normal control over his bowels, he has supreme mastery over them. With the press of a button, Galvin controls exactly when, where, how much he shits.
It is only a matter of time until somebody with both the desire and money gets the idea too.
And then with some cash, you'll have your own automatic, or semi-automatic ass.

Skin Suits:
 Oran Catts, Ionat Zurr and Guy Ben-Ary are professors at the University of Western Australia's School of Anatomy and Human Biology who love to make clothes out of living skin. Weird, but theirs is completely legal. Theyre actually growing the clothes in vats (rather than the more traditional, artisanal method: Harvesting it from from Eniola Badmus).
skin suit
They've successfully grown a tiny overcoat--complete in every respect from collar to sleeves--entirely out of living skin.

skin suit 2

 Supposedly, they've done this to bring up a debate on the killing of animals for their fur, but the fact is that not everyone would share such noble aims.
Especially when you remember that the skin you're wearing is alive. Soon, we may have hats that chip in pickup lines when you talk to the ladies!

Orgasm Implants:
Thalamic Stimulators are implants used to provide an electrical current to the thalamus that limits muscle tremors from diseases like Parkinsons. But there's a rare side-effect: erotic stimulations.
This may sound really awesome but consider the relative rarity of the devices in the first place, and the even rarer occurrence of these sexual side-effects--there's already a name for addiction to them: Compulsive Thalamic Self-Stimulation. It is a very serious and dangerous addiction. One woman afflicted with mind-gasms wore a hole in her damn finger from pressing the button too much! She even got so desperate that she tried to literally hack into her own brain with the hopes of increasing the strength of the implant. And its not gender-specific; . A man who got the implant to combat Tourettes symptoms became addicted when he noticed that flipping the switch gave him instant erections.
Considering that treating erectile dysfunction is the single most profitable use of current pharmaceutical drugs, you'll see that the very second brain implants become publicly available, it's going to be as boner switches.
orgasm stimulator light switch


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