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10 Mistakes That A Married Woman Can Make Can Ruin Her Marriage

Her wedding day is usually the happiest day of the lives of women (can't say the same for most men though). That's the day she finally leaves her parents to live with a man as his wife. After the euphoria of the wedding and honeymoon, life goes back to normal (or semi-normal). That is when you know if you really married a woman or a man-wo. Listed below are the common mistakes any married woman may make that can ruin her marriage.

Being dirty and unkempt. Nobody loves a dirty woman. Heck, even odor oozing from her body can be offsetting. Every part of a wife ought to be sparkle clean. So its important you keep your body clean 24/7 no matter how busy or tired you may be. Its either that or you sleep on the couch while he sleeps in the room. A dirty wife is a serious put off!

Misbehaving to your husband because the law of the country where you live favors women will backfire on you. This is fairly common in the western world. You touch her and she reports to the authorities, you're in big trouble. If the law helps you get away with it, nemesis will catch up with you through your children later.

Absentee married women who commit their home entirely to nanny, house-helps without adequate supervision take huge risk. You all probably watched the video making rounds sometime this year about how a domestic servant maltreated  a baby when the mother was not home. Your husband may be at risk, your children and indeed your marriage may be at risk. Absentees don’t know what happens in their absence. Who knows, your domestic servant might just end up being second wife!  Here's a link to the video Domestic servant maltrating baby

Nagging like your life depends on it. There's a big difference between complaining and nagging. No man likes a nagging wife. Its one of the things that can make a man detest comin home in the evening and would instead prefer staying out late. Don't nag. It ain't cool

Deliberately refusing to grant your husband his due respect and regard even if he is erring! Its a proven fact that men love respect. When he does wrong, pet him and tell him you don't like what he's doing. You'll be surprised he won't ever do it again but then you rain abuses on him, there may be a recap of Mayweather - Pacquiao boxing match in your house

Prioritizing your job or business above your marriage and family is a costly blunder. When your job or business ends, will you still have a marriage and family to be proud of? I'm not saying that your job should not be important to you, just know how to get your priorities right. Bankers are usually guilty of this. They leave the house very early and come home very late, sometimes after the kids have slept. One day, your house help may refer to you as Aunty!

Engaging in illicit affairs even if your husband or circumstances forced you into it by his wrongful conduct. There is never a win-win situation in this. No matter how you may put it, there's no blotting out the fact that you've committed adultery. Pray your husband and kids forgive you. Pray very very hard

Focusing on the children at the expense of your husband. Yeah we know, they're our kids but when you focus all your energy and time on bringing them up and sidelining us in the process, we won't be happy with you and only the most outspoken of men will talk to their wives about this

Telling your friends, family and colleagues about your husband's negative side will end up backfiring on you. Believe me

Whatever my husband likes he can do attitude is a terrible attitude. Spiritually and physically both of you ought to be one, so what do you think will happen to the rest of the body when any part of the body is aching or severed from the other? That is what you do to yourself by your ‘’I DON’T CARE ATTITUDE’’!


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