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10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Dogs a.k.a. man's best friend are of many breeds and come in a variety of forms, from the muscular mastiffs to the very hairy caucasians, from the very tall great dane to the very small chihuahua we love them all (well some of us do). Though the title of this post is "most dangerous dog breeds" we want to make it clear that there is no dangerous dog. Train and socialize you dog well and it will be the perfect companion. What we are saying is that the breeds below have the capacity to cause grievous bodily harm when not well socialized as puppies much more than others.

These dogs are listed below

Pitbulls: Pit bulls are a wide-range group of dogs commonly known to top the list of deadliest or otherwise dangerous dog breeds in the world. There have been numerous efforts by pit bull lovers purporting that this is a stereotype, however the figures remain as they are. According to statistics, media reports, and medical examinations on a good number of fatal cases, pit bulls are considered deadly attack dogs. The most worrisome thing about this is that most of the attacks are not as a result of provocation.

Rottweilers: Rottweilers are generally fairly large and were initially bred by butchers for the purpose of herding cattle. They were used for hunting and guarding as well. The Rottweiler has powerful body structure, with an immense amount of strength powered by their well-developed muscular bodies.

Husky: The Siberan husky breed is from Asia and they were originally working sled dog—to this day, huskies are popularly known for competing in modern dogsled races still. While the Husky-type breeds are commonly known for being friendly and outgoing dogs, this can often lead them astray in the wrong direction of friendliness, given the number of fatalities they've been responsible for, thus landing them on the above list.

Wolf dog-hybrids: These dogs can be great pets and companions, however they are also often not the friendliest of dogs and may shy or uninterested around strangers. Because of their size, this breed is not recommended as a pet for homes with small children. Their level of danger also of course depends highly on proper training but also in this case, the percentage of wolf versus domestic dog in its hybrid.

The Presa Canario is one of the popular Mastiff breeds in Spain. They are trainable even with their dominant character, but still appear on the list of top deadliest dogs. There have been reported cases of fatalities attributed to this dog breed. They also make a dangerous breed when they cross with even more dangerous dogs. In the company of a Pit for example, they can be fatal.
Highly undesirable behaviors can develop if this breed doesn't exercise often or if they aren't trained while they're young. Combine that risk with their powerful strength can be a deadly combination. This breed is banned in New Zealand and Australia.

German Shepherd: The German Shepherd can be a deadly dog if they fall into the hands of an irresponsible owner who keeps it in isolation. This breed can turn to a vicious creature without socialization. German Shepherds, true to its name, originated from German and are also alternatively called Alsatian. These are very active dogs—perfect for policing or guard dogs.

Akita: The Akita is a dog breed from Japan that was originally used as a guard dog, a fighting dog, and a hunting dog in the mountainous regions of Japan. It has also been mixed with other larger dog breeds in the past, including the Saint Bernard and Great Dane. Akitas are loyal companions who can also be rather affectionate too. However because of their hunting background, they can be dangerous if not trained properly

Chow Chows are originally from China and were kept as guard dogs. They're known for their characteristic mane, which originally was considered armor-like. They can be adopted as pets and can be well-trained. However, the breed is very protective of its owner. This makes them, despite their teddy bear-like appearance, one of the top 10 deadliest dogs that can viciously attack anyone who threatens the owner or an intruder to the property

The Doberman Pinscher is a dog breed that shares the same origin with the Rottweilers and the German Shepherd dogs. They are one of the most fearless dog breeds that'll you'll come across and can be very intimidating to strangers. This dog breed is the kind you don't want to encounter as a family property guard dog. They are only restrained by the owner and have high intelligence. They are not the ordinary fierce dog but a very intelligent dog that will heed to instructions to stop attack from the owner. The breed is also perfect for policing and as a property guard dog.


Ekuuke/ Egba Dog/ Local Dog/ WhateverTheyCallItInYourlanguage:
This list can never be complete without our very own local dog. They are usually very lean with pointed snouts (Pointy enough to stab someone with). This is a highly dangerous breed that can attack and kill a pride of up to 20 lions. They are very hardy and can subsist on a meal of table scraps. They hardly bark (which I attribute to their status as Chairmen). In situations where they are expected to be aggressive, they are known to tuck their tail in-between their legs and flee.

Did i omit any breed?? Please let me know in the comment section below


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